Sunday, August 31, 2014

About My Job

It has been quite a while since i was here last time,
was quite busy with my new job in new department.
Currently i'm still working in Nielsen, Market Research Company,
as executive of Client Service Department, serving financial industries.
Despite my job wasn't listed under TOP 10 fresh graduate job,
but i believe i still able to gain and learn a lot through it.

Well, i suppose most of my friends doesn't know about my current job,
as most of them keep asking what's my job scope.
Basically my job scope are as per below:-
- Meet up with client to understand their needs and wants.
- Propose and suggest client appropriate research methodology.
- Launch research project and make sure fieldwork started.
- Update client with the research process from time to time.
- Presentation of research findings once research process done.

It sounds like just working on Business Research assignment,
So i don't really feel much pressure on it.
Furthermore, i have just started my first month working on it,
so i only doing some simple and supporting job which assisting senior.
Anyway my colleague was really nice and friendly,
they treat me in the way just like treating their families.
And of course taking this opportunities,
i would like to thanks to my colleagues.

Thanks to JP, Director of CS Department who always feel free to treat us a cup of Caffe Bene drinks whenever we're tired and exhausted during working hours, also thanks for always cheering us up through motivating messages and some joke of the day.

Thanks to Colleen, Senior Manager of CS Department for welcoming me in a way that making me feel friendly and warm to join the department. Thanks for trusting my availability in job performance, also thanks for your complement very much.

Thanks to Yasmin, Manager of CS Department who always non stop giving me compliment once i get my job done as per assigned. Despite i didn't perform well in my job, but her compliment and motivation will never end. Thanks for promoting me to join you guys as parts of the department.

Thanks to YC, Senior Executive of CS Department who always non stop guiding me in mastering stuff about my job scope such as in creating research proposal, research costing, questionnaires, as well as finalizing research findings. Also, thanks a lot for treating me as friends and buddy besides just treating me as a junior or even colleague. Thanks for the lunch invitation too.

Thanks to Raz, Executive of CS Department who sitting beside me, also my direct buddy on board, who never stop guiding me in guiding me not only my stuff, but also some administration job that deals with others department. Thanks for correcting my English speaking and writing, I know it's really lousy.

Thanks to Aw Yong, Executive of CS Department who always invite me for lunch. Not only lunch invitation, also thanks for guiding me throughout all the time while i'm still in learning process. Thanks for teaching me in mastering questionnaires creation software too.

Last but not least, thanks to Felicia, new comers same as me who joined as Executive of CS Department. Thanks for the chat and sharing session whenever we're free and nothing to do. Really envy that your English was proficient and fluent, hope i can learn some from you if there's free time available.

Well, I met them in my department, feel proud and warm to know about them.
Looking forward in the future to stay in the department and work with them. =)

Saturday, July 19, 2014





Fight for my own RESOLUTION!!! =)

Friday, January 24, 2014



第一天 (16/1/2014):
12.00pm - 出发到 KL Sentral,一路上大家都在睡觉。(丑照不外扬~ xD)
1.00pm - 抵达 KL Sentral 吃顿午餐,过后出发到 LCCT 机场。
3.00pm - 抵达 LCCT 机场,check-in 了张 check-in 照。

4.50pm - 飞机终于起飞啦!朝向目的地出发!=D

6.00pm - 抵达目的地 ( 兰卡威) !租了辆 Van 车便出发到 AB Motel 去。
~OMG 前面这两位竟然会驾 Van 车!~

7.00pm - Check-in AB Motel 后,到对面的 Cenang Beach 看夕阳去。
~Cenang Beach 风景照。~


8.00pm - 晚霞落幕,步行到附近的海鲜餐馆享用晚餐。
9.00pm - 到附近的夜市集散散心,全都是马来食物。
9.30pm - 到 Cenang Mall 逛逛,烟酒店竟然提早打烊。
10.00pm - 回到 AB Motel,提早为韩国室友庆祝生日。
~Happy Birthday Marcus ssi!!~


11.00pm - 庆生仪式结束后,到海滩边喝酒边聊天去。

12.00am - 各自回房休息,期待第二天的行程。=)

第二天 (17/1/2014):
8.00am - 起床一切打点好后,到附近的西餐餐馆享用早点。

9.00am - 回到旅馆,准备出发到海边出海去。



2.00pm - 回到旅馆,准备出发到 Crocodile Farm。


4.00pm - 抵达黑沙滩,等待着晚霞的到来。


7.00pm - 环绕兰卡威岛,到岛的另一端享用煮炒晚餐去。
10.00pm - 回到旅馆,到附近逛逛买烟酒,顺便买手信。

12.00am - 涩酒派对正式开始!大家笑翻天了!


3.00am - 涩酒派对结束,各自回房睡觉去。

第三天 (18/1/2014):
9.00am - 早餐后,出发到 Gunung Raya 准备乘搭缆车上山。

11.00am - 因为天气的缘由,缆车暂停服务,等待之余四处走走。
~马来西亚版 "Nami Island"。~


12.00pm - 缆车服务始终没开,上山计划就这样告吹。

1.00pm - 回到旅馆附近享用午餐,顺便 check-out AB Motel。
3.00pm - 回机场之前,出发到 Eagle Square 看老鹰去。


4.00pm - 出发到机场,准备启程回到吉隆波。
6.00pm - 回到 LCCT 机场,大家各自回家了。

Program Planner - Winson
Driver - Winson + Ah Pann
GPS Provider - CK
